Our Environmental Impact

Our Environmental Impact

Here at EV Delta we care about the environment and want to create a business that gives back to nature which is why we promise that with every order placed on our website, no matter how big or small, we will plant one tree.

Why plant a tree?

Trees are the most cost effective and efficient carbon removal technology that we have. Trees absorb harmful carbon dioxide from the earths atmosphere meaning theyΒ are the best way to combat global warming and climate change. Each tree planted will have a positive impact on the future of our planet. Plant a tree and plant a hope for the future!


We are pleased to say we have partnered withΒ Sprout who work with Eden reforestation projects to plant mangrove trees in Madagascar.

The reforestation efforts help:

  • revive natural habitats
  • improves coral reef health
  • support local livelihoods
  • remove carbon from the atmosphere
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